August 9, 2021

How to find motivation to workout


Welcome to my blog!
Let's talk about working out!
 I used to hate working out and anything regarding the "gym". Last year during quarantine I decide to download an app with free workout videos and I used to do that 5-6 days a week about 30-60 minute workout videos in my living room with my mat and some 5lbs weights. Little by little I started seeing results and how I was losing weight. Since I didn't had an excuse saying I don't have time because we were quarantine I had no excuse. 

I notice that I was enjoying working out and I started to understand that working out is not a punishment to my body or mind. I decided to join a gym and now I have about 4 months in the gym I go 5-6 days and I do about 1-2 hours. I still hate doing cardio! 

I found motivation in my self and not on other people or quotes, is my body, my sanity, my health! We need to find ourselves and start 30-40 minutes even if is just walking you are starting and you will know that is good for you and your health. Now I can't picture myself not working out, it is my favorite time of the day and enjoy it! The moment you start to say I like it your brain will start to understand the message. 

Follow me on my social media and connect with me! 
Any question please feel free to comment!

Sammy girl

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